You're a citizen of Malton, a city that's in the process of being evacuated and quarantined to contain an unspecified contagion - you play as either a trapped civilian, a member of the evacuating military, or a scientist working in the background.Malton is a grid of 100x100 city blocks, each of which is either a nondescript street, or a particular type of building - you move around the map by clicking on the names of the blocks. Certain buildings can be entered; while you're inside, you can't see out into the adjoining streets, and other citizens can't see in unless they actually enter the building.Other citizens of Malton appear on the map as names in coloured boxes (the colour matching their class; green for Military, blue for Science, red for Civilian and grey for Zombie); they also appear in the location's description.Some character classes start with equipment, and all characters can search to find further objects during the course of the game - some are weapons, some are one-use items, others have subtler or more permanent effects.The game is turn-based and you use action points to do stuff. When you are out of points you cannot do anything. Points replenish at a rate of one point per half hour of real time to a maximum of 50. So basically this is a slow paced game where you play for ten minutes and then log out for the day.
Forum threadShall Ww2OL OT dazzle the players of this game with our survival skills? have just created a consumer named 'OT Mowers' who is currently holed up in St Martins Church in the suburb of Pegton. It only takes a few seconds to make a character and you can choose your starting suburb. If your playing a human character it is important to end your actions in a building with secure doors since low level zombie players cannot open them.
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