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onsdag 29 oktober 2008

The History of OT

SmackD sums it up well:

You are the l337 F this!
You are the l337 F this!

Is so easy
Hatchy go-oh lucky
we are the wad of mo
pics with box™ or so much b s
T-O-S now!

Booyah show us your boobs
oh my god hi to you
I have a mole what should I do with it?
w w w dot goat sex...what?!

whatever you do, do not go to google and type in the word tubgirl, blech.

I had a dd i drove from willem
every body say... B-S!

Forum bomb P.E.T.A (yippe!)
pictures of ghey buttsekks
where the hell is the hotchix thread?
pics with box™ or So much BS™ TOS now!
(pirate eye!)

What's up with invisible stuff?
Damn the commie pinkos
Don't forget the right wing forum guard
uh...lightning bolt lightning bolt lightning bolt lightning bolt!
ah hahahaha

Wheres the parachuting dogs?
and where's the motorcycle hogs?
I built a bunker in my backyard
and I have a huge lump on my tongue!

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Should it burn when I pee?
Oh meh god help me jeebus!
Man walked on the fark moon!
Have you seen jibjab yet?
(STFU dude!)

Is so easy
hatchy go-oh lucky
we are the wad of mo!
we didn't beat U U U U S S S S

don't make me stab your face
Hey athena show us your boobs too
omg i have patch fever
when will the USA join the war?

Joe blow email me (that's a TOS you will be banned for one week)
All hail king mole
Live by the book of n00b
barracks is full of fark trolls

oh don't forget mox rox
hummel and maigreys buttsekks
salute the rats! Now go make more stuff!
pics with box™ or So much BS™

Don't forget to lay teh pipe
and lay it in her bum
She'll dump you when she gets you to convert, trust me on that one

Oh my god I found the hotchix thread

You are the l337 F this!
You are the l337 F this!

I hit a deer

Inga kommentarer:

Largest Riot in OT evah

Swiftwin explains: " Biggest riot in OT history, the Superman Riot. When Christopher Reeve died, a bunch of people posted about it at the same time. Which led to people making spoof threads of superman, and stuff like that. And there were no mods on, so it completely degenarated. Were 12 pages, It started at about 11:30pm, and went on till like 3am. The riot went on for 12 pages. poeple started posting pr0n and stuff. Bleuize was extremely pissed cause her "post a pic of yourself" thread kept falling off page 1 within minutes. Then we all started to spam her thread, along with every other thread not related to superman. Some people were furious and called us ****ing losers and stuff, and they sent email complaints to CRS and stuff. hilarious. then a mod showed up and had to clean the whole thing."

All Hail King Mole!

Time for a new invasion

Will OT return to Second Life?
Sparked by this thread OT's All Time Greatest Moment ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page ) one of the greatest moment in OT must be the invasion of Second Life.
Avondell: " We showed up on some guy's doorstep with our guns out. The guy says to us, "Hey, how you doin?", and the other WWIIOLer with me says, Open fire!"
A few forumites who read the thread remembered beeing there, some heard of it and most wants to be a part of it. So the talk now is about a third invasion.
Tavyl makes a prediction: " This can only end in tears of laughter..."
You can read up on all the current wars in Jessie in The New Jessie war journal as many other communities followed the wiiolers into Jessie. Don't forget to catch some history here.

PWB by Rancmeat


OT Pick of the Week


SmackD's Rock your box!


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