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torsdag 30 oktober 2008

OT - A sad state of affairs

This is what OT have been like in the last months. One thread political anti-McCain thread locked. So is it just the 1st page? No this is what it looks like for the latest 52 pages!

This is 2 pages worth of threads, only a few threads are OT
You know ff McCain wins. A whole lot of liberals are going to look mighty_______ vodkaace
5 more days Americans skaol
300, 250, 200, 150... malize
So who actually predicted the credit crunch? primernr
Barack Hussein Obama will fight for you every day that he is in the White House. wulph
SupperTime ( 1 2 ) Bleuize?
Socialized medicine will take longer than drilling for oil - Fact ( 1 2 3 ) OneEagle
Obama-Khalidi Tape: Blogger Obtains Quotes from Hidden Video ( 1 2 ) eviscero
Halloween costume chronicle, forget political BS ( 1 2 ) Eko13wf
Some AP reporter will be out of a job soon ( 1 2 ) g5jamz
Guess who has 2 thumbs and is out of Iraq! ( 1 2 ) maigrey
Waiting for a video of McCain actually landing a Plane skaol
L.A. Times still refuses to release Obama video ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page ) Majhavoc
I only lasted 3 days vodkaace
Stalin's army of rapists ( 1 2 ) vagg
Final Winner EV Total Pool malize
Political cartoons! Fun for everybody... tayvl
We need this thread to have one million pages... ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page ) Fredrik1
I was Watching obama on TV and he cured my bunions majhavoc
You'd think a black man would know classic black sitcoms ( 1 2 ) g5jamz
For the first time in Rasmussen-people trust McCain more than Obama on the economy vodkaace
When Obama wins next week, here is some Anti Commie Dances skaol
Pew Research Study shows how media sucks off Obama g5jamz
Socialized medicine will take longer than 1.29 - Fact bigmex73
I wonder who this person is ( 1 2 3 ) AeroCmdr
Just what does "wealth redistribution" mean, anyway? ( 1 2 3 ) blulight
Dan Cooper of Cooper Arms announces he will support Obama...well...he's now fired g5jamz
and..there goes Colorado haz43
Obama broke a promise he made about public financing ( 1 2 ) g5jamz
Philly Finally Wins! Britboy
Liberals send kids to do their dirty work...then get jolted VIDEO NOW INCLUDED g5jamz
Shut up Obama is on ( 1 2 3 ) skaol
HUFFINGTON POST writer stabbed lover 220 times with screwdriver... Ring
Fallout 3 first impressions ( 1 2 ) prodius
So whats your gas price raven4
A little piece of work I did. Cobra847
Obama endorses the Phillies skaol

Inga kommentarer:

Largest Riot in OT evah

Swiftwin explains: " Biggest riot in OT history, the Superman Riot. When Christopher Reeve died, a bunch of people posted about it at the same time. Which led to people making spoof threads of superman, and stuff like that. And there were no mods on, so it completely degenarated. Were 12 pages, It started at about 11:30pm, and went on till like 3am. The riot went on for 12 pages. poeple started posting pr0n and stuff. Bleuize was extremely pissed cause her "post a pic of yourself" thread kept falling off page 1 within minutes. Then we all started to spam her thread, along with every other thread not related to superman. Some people were furious and called us ****ing losers and stuff, and they sent email complaints to CRS and stuff. hilarious. then a mod showed up and had to clean the whole thing."

All Hail King Mole!

Time for a new invasion

Will OT return to Second Life?
Sparked by this thread OT's All Time Greatest Moment ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page ) one of the greatest moment in OT must be the invasion of Second Life.
Avondell: " We showed up on some guy's doorstep with our guns out. The guy says to us, "Hey, how you doin?", and the other WWIIOLer with me says, Open fire!"
A few forumites who read the thread remembered beeing there, some heard of it and most wants to be a part of it. So the talk now is about a third invasion.
Tavyl makes a prediction: " This can only end in tears of laughter..."
You can read up on all the current wars in Jessie in The New Jessie war journal as many other communities followed the wiiolers into Jessie. Don't forget to catch some history here.

PWB by Rancmeat


OT Pick of the Week


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